Tuesday, November 12, 2013

New Haircut!

I, like many people out there, get very frustrated with my hair.  I have very thick hair that tends to be very wavy in the font of my head but strait in the back.  After some thought and inspiration I decided that it was time for a change.  While at the trend show I fell in love with the hair of one of the makeup artists- short, dark but so pretty!  I have never been very comfortable with long hair anyway so I decided to go even a bit shorter.  I was a little nervous going as short as the girl whose hair I loved- I may need to work up to it.  All said and done it is a bit of a change but I have gotten a number of compliments on my new do and that the color really shows off my blue eyes.  Let me know your thoughts!

Urban Decay: Ocho Loco2

Those of you who check the urban decay site daily like I do saw that last weekend they were running a 20% off sale on everyone on their site.  I could not resist getting a few items...

After seeing the Ocho Loco 2 eyeliner set that was released about a month ago I knew that I had to get it! For $59  they were offering eight of their 24/7 eyeliners in various colors and the Grindhouse sharpener...I thought that this set was a steal!  I was so excited when I received the set on Friday and had to stop myself from ripping open the package to start swatching!  The colors are as follows: Twice Baked (a deep brown with a bit of silver shimmer), Roach (coppery brown), Crave (deep gray; almost black), Perversion (blackest-black), Deep End (torquois), Mars (emerald green), Ultraviolet (a blue-purple mix), and finally Tornado (deep plum-purple). 

Urban Decay Naked

I know, I know...I am probably one of the last people on the planet (maybe that is a bit of an exaggeration) to actually own the Naked palette.  I finally decided, after feeling that I needed a little pick-me-up, that I had to add this set to my arsenal.  After using this palette a few times I could not be happier with the variety of colors...who knew you could have so many variations of beige shades.

I actually did makeup for a wedding this past weekend and I ended up using this palette almost entirely for the bride's look.  After searching on youtube I found some great videos that gave step-by-step tutorials on how to do bridal looks.

Trend Show

I cannot even believe that we are already to another Nordstrom Trend Show!  This is quickly becoming part of my spring and fall tradition!  This show did not disappoint- lots of awesome trends (leather is hot apparently) and some new items out in the beauty department.  As usual I received a number of freebies and a tote back which was great for carrying all of my gifts.  After the fashion show we headed down to the main floor where I had my skin checked in the skin imaging machine- YIKES!  It was a little scary seeing the damage I have done to my skin over the years of sitting out in the sun but of course they were able to sell me a cream to help cure all of my skin woes!  I purchased Philosophies Time in a Bottle which is supposed to reverse the damage done.  I guess we will see- I will make sure to post something in a few months if I see any changes.  While there I also checked out the new Clairsonic Foot.  This is supposed to safety remove all of the build up on your feet.  I love the concept but I really wish they would just sell head to put on the original Clairsonic as opposed to selling you a completely different product!  I ended my day getting my makeup done at Smashbox.  I am quickly becoming a fan of Smashbox- I have purchased a few pallets.  I really like the color pay off of their shadows and they blend very well.  I especially love their gel eyeliner- it seriously wears ALL DAY.  Overall a very productive day but I really tried to make a point of not going over board.  

I have now started a Youtube channel...please make sure to check it out, like and subscribe.  You can find it under Mikell Nigro on youtube. 

Butter London Haul

As is my spring and fall tradition I went to the Nordstrom Trend show on November 2nd.  This year they had a rep from Butter London.  Oddly enough I do not own one bottle of Butter polish!  I have always avoided this polish mostly because of the price...$15 is a little steep for nail polish!  Well during the trend show if you bought some Butter products you got a manicure on the spot.  I figured that maybe it was time to try Butter out!

 I love nail color but my biggest issue is my cuticles.  They tend to grow very quickly and when I am anxious/nervous I tend to pick at the sides of my fingers (my thumbs especially).  One of the items they were featuring was a cuticle remover and cuticle oil.  After applying the cuticle remover and waiting a few minutes, I used my other nails to push the cuticles back.  I could not believe how they virtually disappeared in front of my eyes.  The manicurist then applied a base coat, a black polish, the deep purple, and then a matte top coat and some cuticle oils to finish them off.  My nails looked awesome!  It was like a deep purple velvet!  I have now painted my nails a few times since the show. I am finding that my color is wearing for about 3-4 days...that is actually a lot for me since it is not uncommon for my nail color to wear off in less than a day.  So far, I am one happy camper!