Monday, January 21, 2013

Day 21- a little out of the loop

Okay, so my crazy busy weekend was actually a little more along the lines of insane busy! 
This weekend I:
  • Got my son off to scouts for a weekend of camping.  Upon his arrival home there was A LOT of laundry (man did it stink!).
  • Had to pick up girl scout cookies at the reorder station.  They have changed things around this year and I was not able to get all of the cookies I needed (ugh).
  • Had a number of people swing by for cookie pick ups throughout the weekend.
  • After borrowing stage pieces from my school back in December for our Church Christmas pageant, I needed the help of my friend (and his truck) to get the pieces back to my school.
  • With my son away for the weekend, my daughter had a Justice gift card burning a hole in her pocket that she wanted to use.  Sad for us, the store nearest us is closing.  Lucky for us they had EVERYTHING on sale- at least 70% off!  We were able to stock up for spring and summer!
  • In addition to my regular teaching gig, I do some consult work as well which I did on Saturday.
  • Saturday evening we went to dinner with some old friends to celebrate a birthday- awesome Italian food and great friends!
  • Did my grocery shopping for the week.  Man, I would save a ton of money if my family would just stop eating!
  • After my son's arrival home, we worked on cleaning his room.  It just amazes me how he can get toy shoved into every crevice of his room!
  • Sunday I did some cooking to have my parents over for dinner!
With all of these things going on i didn't get a chance to paint my nails once!!! I know, I was so disappointed:(  I made a point of cleaning up my nails after my shower- trimming the cuticles, filing my nails, and then doing a coat of the new magnetic polish I picked up this weekend!  I was not a huge fan of magnetic polish in the past.  I have to admit though that most of my apprehension was the price of the polishes!  When I took my daughter to Justice they had a bunch of polishes on sale.  I was able to pick up this magnetic polish for $0.19!!!  I figured I couldn't pass that up!  I love the subtle "flower" design on each nail- I think it looks more like a star or rays. 

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