Monday, February 18, 2013

Long weekend, lots of cleaning

I am a very lucky girl, my husband allows me to have a cleaning woman come in every two weeks to clean the house- you know, the bathrooms, kitchen floor, vacuuming.  With both of us working full-time (my husband works in the food industry therefore he is working on the weekends) and the many activities that my kids are involved in, I found that I was waking up on Saturday mornings totally overwhelmed with all of the cleaning that had to be done.  It is a wonderful thing to have someone do the cleaning, but it amazes me how much clutter we can accumulate as a family of four.  With the long weekend, I had a few projects up my sleeve.

1.  I have a desk in my room that has become my junk collection area but really has no purpose.  I decided that it was finally time to clean the desk out and get it out of the house.  I spent the better part of the day going through everything in the desk and sorting by trash, keep, donation.

2.  I have lately been attempting to keep my kitchen free of the paper clutter that accumulates near our phone.  I have now been putting it all on my desk.  Yes, the desk is an appropriate place for all of the papers, but I absolutely hate looking at the cluttered state of my desk.  It was time to clean it up!

3.  I made a car document organizer seen here.  My car has been driving me crazy.  Every time I am tempted to drive it through the car wash and get cleaned, it is raining or about to snow.  The amount of dirt and clutter in my car has inspired me to start cleaning it out!  In only a few minutes I was able to get the documents in my glove compartment organized which inspired me to hit a few of the other nooks and crannies in my car.

In reflection: I have a huge bag of shredding that is going out and a few bags of trash to go out to the bin....I love getting rid of crap that I don't need that is cluttering my life!

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