Sunday, December 30, 2012

New MAC purchases

So I had a return that I had to make at Macy's which means I have to take a walk over to the MAC counter.  After looking at (okay, drooling over) the georgous colors the adorable girl at the counter sat me down and tried some new lip liner, lip stick, gloss, and blush on me.

 I was looking for a new blush color.  Something with a little more peach than the pink I currently use.

I ended up getting Peachtwist...a beautiful peach with a brown undertone and a bit of gold shimmer.  I am so excited for this color and start using it in my routine. 

I also picked up for my lips Plushglass in Pretty Plush, Half-Red Lip Pencil, and Plumful lipstick. Here are swatches of all three- the pencil on the top, lipstick in the middle, and the Plushglass on the bottom- it is hard to see the gloss, it just has some shimmery shine to it.  All very pretty- especially when put together!  Here is the final look all put together.

Say Goodbye to Christmas

Some years I am so sad to see the Christmas decorations go away while other years I cannot wait to see them go.  This year was the latter.  I literally woke up yesterday itching to get all of my decorations down!  I spent the entire morning yesterday boxing up all of our ornaments and decorations (I still need to have my husband help me carry the tree back into our garage).  By the afternoon I was on Pinterest looking at valentines decorations!!!  This morning while out at Michaels looking for some other crafting items I needed I stumbled on the clearance christmas area.  Everything was 80% off!  I then remembered a Pinterest pin of someone who used a pink christmas tree to make a valentines tree.  I used the same idea to make these little trees which are now on either side of my fire place.  I am pretty happy with how they turned out and I think all said and done they only cost about $10 a piece!

Thursday, December 27, 2012

CVS haul

I don't know about you, but I love me a beauty haul whenever I can get one!  
Thanks to G over at
 I was able to run over to CVS to score some awesome deals!
I looked a little crazy running back and forth with various items scanning
 them at the red scanner
box to see which items were actually coming up on sale.

Revlon Top Speed in Royal
A deep royal blue.  I am totally seeing this to help with my winter blues.

Sally Hansen Insta-dri nail polish in Magenta Motion.  A gorgeous pearly hot pink...awesome for any season!

A metallic pewter color.

Revlon concealer in light/medium. I already own this one, and for $2.62 I figured it would be great to keep this in my purse for touch-ups.  

Milani lip liner in Most Natural
This is seriously an awesome lip liner.  It is a fantastic pinky-brown that will be awesome for everyday. 
Here is the swatch of the lip liner.
Milani Glitzy Glamour Gloss in Glow Girl
Very pretty pink with a glossy sparkle.  It is a great color but it does have quite a fruity smell!
Overall, I am thrilled with my awesome finds! 

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

The start of something new!

Looking back I can say that I have always had a fondness for any makeup or nail polish.  I absolutely LOVED going into the drugstore and looking at all of the beautiful eyeshadow and makeup colors! Now as a woman in my 30's I find that my love (or addiction) has only continued!  Back in October I attended the Nordstrom Trend show with one of my best friends.  I had such a great time learning of the hottest new trends and after some fantastic pampering I decided that it might be fun to start writing my own blog on things that make me feel pretty and things that just make me feel good!  Here goes nothing!