Sunday, December 30, 2012

Say Goodbye to Christmas

Some years I am so sad to see the Christmas decorations go away while other years I cannot wait to see them go.  This year was the latter.  I literally woke up yesterday itching to get all of my decorations down!  I spent the entire morning yesterday boxing up all of our ornaments and decorations (I still need to have my husband help me carry the tree back into our garage).  By the afternoon I was on Pinterest looking at valentines decorations!!!  This morning while out at Michaels looking for some other crafting items I needed I stumbled on the clearance christmas area.  Everything was 80% off!  I then remembered a Pinterest pin of someone who used a pink christmas tree to make a valentines tree.  I used the same idea to make these little trees which are now on either side of my fire place.  I am pretty happy with how they turned out and I think all said and done they only cost about $10 a piece!

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