Sunday, August 11, 2013

Moving On....

I apologize for being absent over the last month or so.  Me and the Mr. decided to put our house on the market and build our dream home on an empty lot that we own.  For anyone who has sold a house before, the staging was crazy (especially for a control freak like me).  I had to do a ton of de-cluttering, cleaning, some minor repairs around the house, and a major garage clean-out.  Our goal was to have the house on the market by July 1st.  We met our goal and signed papers with our agent on the first and then pretty much had an offer on our house 24 hours later!  I am now less than 2 weeks from our closing date and attempting to get my kids all set up for their first day of school which is a little over a week away, pack, and get us moved into our temporary housing (aka my mother-in-laws house).  I am a bit overwhelmed with everything but hoping that all of this craziness will be for a great outcome!
I am so sad to say goodbye to our home which we have lived in for the last 14 years.  But I just have to keep telling myself that change is good!

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