Saturday, April 20, 2013

Happy Earth Day and Zoya

I have for as long as I can remember had a love of nail color and makeup.  I have within the last few years fell in love with Zoya polishes and I am constantly on the look out for their polishes when they are on sale.  Well low and behold they are running a special earth day sale!!!  Their polishes are 1/2 off and you can send them your old polishes (I'm sure I have a few of those lying around) which they will dispose of properly!  I think that I will have to partake in this deal since it is not often you can get thier polishes for $4 a piece!  From reading the fine print it looks like you have to buy 6 polishes but that is really no big deal to me- if need be I will buy extras as gifts or split the deal with a friend!

Check out Zoya's site here!

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