Thursday, January 3, 2013

31 Day Challenge- Day 2

 I have never attempted to do a 31 day nail challange but decided with a new year AND a new blog, why not?!?  I have plenty of tim on my hands;)  I found a great nail blog where she is completing the 31 day challange. 
here is the link to the blog that I am following
I forgot to take pictures of my black and white nails from yesterday but here is my attempt at a silver look.  I started with one coat of Wet n Wild in Through the Grapevine.
I then did a coat over the top with OPI Silver Shatter.  I don't use this color often but I really do like the look that it gives layered with various colors.   
Here is the finished product.  A fun look but still appropriate for work! 

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