Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year, New Resolutions

Once that ball drops at the stroke of midnight, I feel like the next question on every one's mind is resolutions.  I am terrible with these.  Every year I plan to lose weight, work out, get organized, blah, blah, blah!  Why am I always searching for new ways to feel "better" about myself?  I am overall a good person.  Am I really going to feel that much more fulfilled by making a few resolutions?  Probably not, but here goes anyway!

  • Eat healthier!  I feel so much better and sleep better when I am eating healthier.  I don't want to go crazy here- just eating more fruits, vegetables, and less of the "junk."
  • Moving more- I know that I am not going to be the type of girl who works out 5 days a week but I would like to start moving more - maybe even as a family!
  • Getting better with my pictures within my posts.  I have been doing all of my pictures on my iPad since my computer is out for repairs.  I am hoping once my computer is returned home, I will be able to try to do more photos and videos with my camera which will hopefully give me better results with my lighting and clarity.
  • Organization- i am always looking at ways that I can be more organized.  When I am organized my mind is clearer and I am much more productive!  I would like to start some sort of organization for potential blogs. 
What are some of your resolutions? 

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