Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Kids Charging Station

Like many of us busy mamas out there I find that I am constantly trying to maintain order and organization within our home.  Our home, like many others out there, has devices floating all around our house.  Next to my kitchen door we have a charging station for all of our cell phones which I picked up at the Pottery Barn outlet a few years ago.  I love the fact that our phones are always in a  designated location and the cords are nicely concealed.  My kids have now acquired a few devices of their own.  Between their tablets, iPods, and Nintendo DS's, I have cords all over my house.  The kids have now started leaving their devices on the half wall in between my kitchen and living room.  Very convenient for the kids, but not very appealing to myself and my husband!  After searching my favorite site Pinterest I got some great ideas for making my own charging station. While out I was looking for a a box that might do the trick when my daughter reminded me of a box sitting on my kitchen counter that I was planning on throwing out.  I then purchased 8 brackets from the scrap booking section of Michael's craft store.  I first started by marking the spots that I wanted the brackets and cutting holes using my xacto knife. 
I then quickly got to work covering the box with contact paper that I already owned. 

This was probably the hardest part of the process since the contact paper is sticky on the back and I had to really take my time!

I then attached all of the brackets, then placed the power strip inside the box and and began plugging in the various devices! 

Here is the finished product!  I am so happy with our new charging station...now just to make sure my kids use it for all of the various devices!

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