Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Day 29: Inspired by a blogger

So after waking up yesterday and feeling like poo, I just didn't have the energy to do my nails...I have a feeling the person who was most disappointed by this was me;)

Anyway, with writing this blog I have seen so many different nail techniques that I just love and want to try.  For tonight's mani, I took my inspiration from a blog called polishandpearls.com where Jen shows a tutorial on how to do a fish tail manicure using three different polish colors.  While at CVS the other day I purchased  the Physicians Formula Endless Color  Custom Nail Trio in Fashion Icon.  This set comes with three smaller bottles of polish that snap together and are made to coordinate with one another.  I decided to use the deep, army green on my fingers.  I have to say that this polish did not go on as smooth as many of my other polishes do.  After two coats of the green, I then used the blue and yellow to make the fish tail effect on my ring fingers. I also found that these polishes were not as pigmented as I expected- 1 coat was not enough when making the fish-tail effect on the nails.  This as especially since the packaging shows that this polish can be used for doing fun nail designs.  

All said and done I think that I will need to use light polish to get the fish-tail effect to really show.  I think that I also need to start the design closer to my cuticle.

Maybe next time....

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